
Active living – Weight Room

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At SBL, we really do emphasize and promote healthy living to our youth whether it be by serving healthy snacks, having access to water and fruits daily or through our programming after-school. Once a week, we have access to Westview’s weight room and have former SBL participant Kevin Ofori that is currently studying Personal Fitness to lead our weekly sessions. Each session starts off where everyone gets the chance to warm-up and then have the opportunity to learn more about an equipment and its purpose. Our youth are excited and happy to work out when they got the opportunity to learn first-hand of what each machine is used for and for which part of the body! It is recommended that youth get 60 minutes of physical activity per day and our weight room programming definitely helps with that!

successBLActive living – Weight Room
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Understanding Diversity

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Project Turn Around is a holistic, culturally appropriate and responsive community-based prevention and intervention program serving youth ages 12-20, and their families. This week during the after school program, we had them come in and facilitate a workshop on understanding diversity with our youth. Everyday we interact with people from various backgrounds and experiences that we may not be familiar with. It’s important to recognize those around us and how we can share our experiences to better understand one another. The workshop looked at popular culture and how at times we poke fun at individuals with certain backgrounds; how does this translate to our everyday interactions and ways of learning was important for us to unpack.

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Our 2017 March Break Report on Career Exploration and Employment Readiness

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What’s new in this years report? Our partnership with the MLSE LaunchPad; a new group of career experts who took time out of their day to engage with our youth; access to new spaces around the city; and most of all, our new group of youth.

This report highlights our successes and achievements during that week. Don’t forget to watch our recap video which can be found on our YouTube channel.

March Break Report 2017

successBLOur 2017 March Break Report on Career Exploration and Employment Readiness
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BCCHC Youth Leadership Program

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We are always finding ways to build the capacity and the leadership qualities of our youth and one way this was done was through an intensive 11-week program. In collaboration with Black Creek Community Health Centre, we sent 10 youth every week to Black Creek Community Health Care Centre in Yorkgate mall where they got the opportunity to learn more about themselves and what it truly takes to be a leader. The youth not only got the chance to do various activities to understand their strengths and weaknesses, but also got the chance to cook healthy meals and part take in a few dance sessions as well! Our youth enjoyed this program and some have applied what they have learned to their mentor roles and everyday life!

successBLBCCHC Youth Leadership Program
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DJ Skate Night

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On a Saturday night every year in February, SBL takes a bus load of youth down to the Natrel Rink for the 1Love T.O. ice-skating party! For many of our youth, this was their first time trying ice-skating or even being at the Natrel Rink, and for others that have been part of our annual ice-skating trip they have become pros on the ice! The ice-skating party allows us to combine food, fun and relationship-building with a beautiful view of the Toronto Harbourfront!

successBLDJ Skate Night
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Writing While Black

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During our after-school program in collaboration with Art Gallery of York University (AGYU), we feature a guest speaker to discuss their journey and path to success. This month’s guest speaker was Whitney French, who is the founder and coordinator of Writing While Black, an initiative that aims to unite and develop a community of Black writers. Whitney French came by the SBL After-School Program on October 3rd to share with our youth her life experiences and to share some of her work! The discussion also focussed on the victories and challenges of being a Black writer in Canada. One of the participants from the workshop Margaret Sam, said that what resonated with her from the workshop is that “Despite what people say about you, you can still rise”. The workshop allowed our youth to not only support each other artistically via writing, but to also empower each other!

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Mentor Training on Evaluation

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Working closely with our team of mentors to build the capacity has always been a priority each year. We held a workshop that allows our youth to learn more about how the work they do is impacting the community. We partnered with Student’s Commission who successfully delivered a session on creating and delivering evaluations. Youth were engaged on different techniques and styles of how we evaluate a program. Learning what goes on behind the scenes can build capacity and provide more insight for our Mentors to see how their work is impacting SBL.

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A Trip to Skyzone

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Our youth space is the core meeting space for our young people, which connects them to opportunities across the city. During the school year we engage on monthly trips promoting various physical activities. This month featured a trip to Skyzone, where students had the opportunity to play trampoline dodgeball, master dunks, and race across foam pits. Check out a recap of our trip: CLICK HERE

successBLA Trip to Skyzone
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Celebrating Success

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Our graduation embodied the recurring theme throughout the summer: Resilience. Youth, staff, teachers, and everyone involved in the success of the program have been resilient in ensuring a positive experience for all. Our graduation held in the Moot Court room at Osgoode Hall Law School was packed full with parents, friends, and various other stakeholders in our community. The night was also filled with performances and celebrations of our achievements, which included the credits that students receive at the end of our program. A Video recap is available and can be seen on our YouTube Channel.

successBLCelebrating Success
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