After a successful application to Hive’s Remixable Open Educational Resources grant, SBL decided to put together five online narratives and five workshops to be shared through a teaching kit. The teaching kit was designed to share our learnings through the lens of best-practices for working in partnership and collaboration with youth facing multiple barriers. This has also been a great way to share our expertise with HIVE Toronto members and the wider community as well as have a living document for SBL’s own training and programming purposes. Below are the short descriptions of the workshop topics and links to the full teaching kits.
Re-Thinking Mentorship:
A broadened definition of mentorship in engaging potential youth leaders.
Designing Against Barriers to Participation:
Integral to our program design is the recognition and identification of barriers to participation and then focusing resources at removing those barriers.
Bricolage: Youth-Led, Youth-Focused, Youth-Driven:
People talk about youth organizations as youth-led, youth-focused, or youth-driven, but we can share the importance of being a combination of all of them.
Graduation Model and Program Design:
Deepening the impact of our core programming through extending the opportunities for youth to be deeply engaged pre and post.
Intentionality in Relationship Building:
The way that we create programming and space to build relationships which makes all of the other outcomes, projects, programs and engagement possible.